In other words, the Regulation does not introduce prohibitions on creating or trading crypto-assets/tokens; it prohibits the use of crypto-assets as a means of payment, as a means of payment/money in another purchase or sale and the provision of services for this purpose.
According to Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“LIAW”), author rights are evaluated in two parts as economic rights (Art. 21-25) and moral rights (Art. 14-17)
Cryptocurrency in its most broad definition is a virtual currency which is digitally created in an encrypted way without any connection to central authorities or any intermediary institutions and is used via internet.
Legal problems about robots are discussed in international texts and national legal studies, which are seeking for a common global language in this matter
In terms of vehicles under the control of drivers (vehicles of class 0,1 and 2), there is no special concern however in terms of class 3 and vehicles of subsequent classes, autonomous systems perform the functions of the driver
Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), which is defined as inorganic systems that mimic human brain, think, make decisions or even exercise self-improvement, creates a complex relationship with intellectual property law
As a result of the expansion in 3D printer use, components of 3D printing need to be legally analyzed
The investors mostly invest high amount of capital under an investment project and therefore they seek to secure themselves and their investments by contractual provisions which include arbitration clause.
Some of the share transfers in our country require special permissions from administrative institutions and/or various restrictions apply to such share transfers. The administrative institutions requiring such permissions can be exemplified as, the Capital Markets Board
Photographs are one of the artistic works subject to Intellectual Rights. Although it is very talked about, the law covers it, is not very popular. Usually there are many violation of rights when using a photograph.
Renunciation of inheritance is possible by executing a contract between legator and his/her probable heir (renouncing party). The renouncing party, by signing the contract, may wholly or partly waive his/her future estate
Capital Markets Board (“CMB”) recently published two new communiqués; Communiqué on Information Systems Management numbered VII-128.9
An advertising agency may incorporate into individuals such as graphics designer, script writer and photographer “who engage in creative activities”.
One of the ways for allocating human intelligence and creativity to the market economy is the advertising area. The area consists of four main group of players
There is no specific definition for commercials under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works ("Law"); whereas, there is a definition for “cinematographic works". For this reason, it is not correct to say that any commercial shall be automatically protected by copyright law.
One can easily say that “Advertising Industry nowadays sits at the heart of Copyright Law”.
Material Provisions of Draft Amendment to Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works Considering Technology Field
The draft amendment regulates with a provision introduced to the definitions that ideas, methods, mathematical concepts and theories would not be under the protection of works.
In fact, the long debated principle that “the right holder cannot intervene the
Article 38 of Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (the “Law”) regulates and allows “Reproduction for Purposes of Personal Use”.
The characterization of existing provision with regards to “preparatory design” caused serious discussions in doctrine and it has been emphasized that the expression of Directive 91/250/EEC on
Protection of trademarks, designs, patents and copyright should be considered for a well prepared IP strategy.
In this article, we will review and demonstrate an important copyright subject for software startup project over a specific example.
Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 was essentially regulated being influenced by the German and Swiss legislation. The German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch-HGB) has the speciality of being the first
Goodwill compensation is an indemnification paid by manufacturer to distributor or principal to agent after termination of distributorship/agency agreement, since the manufacturer/principle has gained certain profits
Law on Protection of Personal Data No:6698 (“the Law”) which is drafted based on EU Directive No:95/46/EC’s was legislated. The Law was published on Official Gazette on 07.04.2016 and entered into force at the same day
In this context, evaluation of film elements and relevant rights under Turkish Copyright Law becomes more of an important issue. This evaluation shall determine which elements will grant author rights on the film, which of them will need to be licensed,
Creating process of a scenario usually spreads over a long time. In order to start the writing process of a scenario, a basic plotline is required. The text and written work of such plotline is called the synopsis.
Commercialization of products which are based on major personality features (names, portraits, characteristic features) of real or fictional characters and/or materials appearing in a Film
Media has become an area that covers many topics such as television, the Internet, social media, cinema, broadcast, publishing, music, games and advertisement. It would be therefore better to name it as “multimedia”.
As it is possible to make any kind of data publicly available on the internet today, ensuring privacy of personal data has become a challenging issue.
Internet, with over 25 years on the way of its popularisation, has presented the legal world a new term: “Right to be Forgotten”.
Techno-utopianism ideology, which supports the rise of social media tools, has led to transfer and disclosure of sensitive personal information of individuals both in public and private sectors.
Nowadays it has become a habit to include an extravagant penalty clause while executing cinema and/or music agreements.
In the beginning of 90’s we had a confusion period when software license agreements first appeared before the end users...
During the harmonisation process of Turkish law with the EU legislation, Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 has changed significantly in 1995, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008. Computer Programs...
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is an integral part of the automation plans that businesses will implement to keep up with the developing technology. ERP software constitutes the largest part of Enterprise Application Software (EAS).
Computer program (“Software”) is a general term for the various kinds of platforms that must exist in all computers and enable other programs to operate on and that control...
Within the scope of Turkey’s harmonization programme for alignment with EU Acquis, there has been a significant improvement with the approval of the new Code on e-Commerce for uniformity of the rules of...
The copyright protection covers the products of ideas. In this respect, an idea is not covered by copyright protection; no matter how innovative and/or unique it is...
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